The international organisation Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) has just certified Agrial’s Climate Plan 2035. By committing to halving its direct greenhouse gas emissions and reducing its total carbon footprint by 35% by 2035, Agrial has become the first French co-operative to be certified “well below 2°” by this organization promoted in particular by the UN and the NGO WWF. This global benchmark certification demonstrates that Agrial’s commitments help to limit the rise in the global temperature to less than 2°C, in line with the Paris Accord.

Agrial’s Climate Plan is the result of reflections initiated many years ago and aims to reduce its environmental impact throughout its value chain, from the farm to the finished products and taking in processing and transportation. At the end of 2021, Agrial submitted its greenhouse gas emission reduction targets to the SBTi, based on four levers: energy, packaging and waste, transport and upstream.

This SBTi certification is a guarantee that Agrial’s Climate Plan is serious and credible. SBTi is an international organization that provides an independent framework for companies and validates their goals in line with the latest advances in climate science. It bases this validation on the relevance of these companies’ environmental policies, diagnoses and projects to combat climate change.

The initiative is the result of collaboration between the United Nations (UN), the World Resources Institute (WRI), the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and the NGO WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). This certification places the Co-operative among the leaders in deploying concrete and efficient mechanisms to combat climate change. Agrial thus joins the circle of large global agri-food companies already certified: Ferrero, Nestlé, Mondelez, Carrefour, Arla, McCain…

Because farmers work the land and have always been dependent on the weather, the need to fight against climate change is obvious to our Co-operative and its farmer-members. And it is the  only sector capable of storing carbon, agriculture is a big part of the solution. Preserving the climate does not mean less French agriculture, on the contrary.

Agrial has therefore made the fight against climate change the cornerstone of its sustainable development approach. Drafted in 2021 and publicly presented to the General Meeting of 20 May 2022, Agrial’s 2035
Climate Plan aims to structure this ambition throughout its value chain. It includes two major and complementary commitments:

  • To halve our direct greenhouse gas emissions within our operational scope (energy, transport, packaging and waste…) by 2035,
  • To reduce our total carbon footprint by 35% by 2035, by reducing direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions and through additional carbon sequestration, over the entire scope over which our Co-operative has a shared responsibility.

Given the societal and environmental challenges we face, agriculture must continue to move forward as it always has. As farmers, we expect our Co-operative to provide us with the support and solutions that will enable us to improve our agricultural practices in order to offer produce that meets rapidly changing consumer expectations. This is how farmer-members will be able to contribute to Agrial’s sustainable development approach.

Mickaël Lamy
A farmer in Maine et Loire (49), director and chairman of the Co-operative’s Sustainable Development Committee

Our farmer members work with the land and the living and take care of these resources that they use so as to preserve them for future generations. This is the very essence of the farming profession. We are therefore committed to carrying out environmentally friendly activities at all levels in our value chain, from the farm to the distribution of food products and taking in produce collection and processing

Sarah Deysine
Director of the co-operative project, CSR and communication




4 major key levers:

    5.7 million TCO2eq, ie 85.5% of emissions
    0.4 million TCO2eq, i.e. 6% of emissions
    0.2 million TCO2eq, i.e. 3% of emissions
    0.18 million TCO2eq, i.e. 2.5% of emissions
  • Others (capital assets, other purchases, travel…). : 0.2 million TCO2eq, i.e. 3% of emissions

About Agrial

Agrial is a French agricultural and agrifood co-operative which supports its farmer members every day to promote and sell their products. Relying on strong brands, the Group has more than 100 production sites in 11  countries and develops its agrifood activities in the dairy, fresh produce, beverage and meat sectors.

As a committed company, Agrial develops responsible and ehightperforming farming, offering consumers healthy, safe and tasty food. Together, Agrial’s 12,000 farmer members and 22,200 employees embody the company’s values: longtermism, proximity, solidarity and boldness. In 2021, the Group generated 6.2 billion euros in turnover.


Claire Audusseau Chief of the co-operative project and communication Officer
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