through our
2035 Climate Plan

Because our farmers have always adapted to climatic conditions, because agriculture is the only industry with the ability to lock up carbon and because our processing and wholesaling businesses also have an impact, combatting climate change is ‘business as normal’ for our Cooperative.

Developed in 2021 and certified by SBTi (Science Based Target initiative) in 2022, our 2035 Climate Plan is based on two strong commitments and four levers: Upstream & Raw Materials, Energy, Packaging & Waste, and Transport. Whether members, employees or stakeholders, we are united in our commitment to succeed collectively in this challenge.

A climate plan structured around 4 major levers

The baseline for our climate plan is our carbon footprint in 2019.
To ensure that we successfully deliver our ambition for 2035, the Climate Plan is broken down into operational sub-targets and actions specific to each part of our business.

Upstream and raw materials

Our target for 2035:
A 30% reduction in carbon footprint

Our solutions: Accelerating our transition to agroecology and supporting the introduction of farming practices that have a positive impact on our planet.

In 2019, this lever contributed 85.5% of our emissions.


Our target for 2035:
A 50% reduction in emissions

Our solutions: Accelerating the reduction in our energy consumption and using more green power.

In 2019, this lever contributed 2.5% of our emissions.

Packaging and waste

Our target for 2035:
A 50% reduction in emissions

Our solutions: Using only eco-responsible packaging and moving towards zero organic waste.

In 2019, this lever contributed 6% of our emissions.


Our target for 2035:
A 50% reduction in emissions

Our solutions: Optimising product transport and using the most eco-friendly fuels.

In 2019, this lever contributed 3% of our emissions.

Upstream: reducing your carbon footprint by working on your farm’s carbon assessment

A 15-tonne reduction in CO2eq at the GAEC Sainte-Barbe cooperative in Mayenne.

This mixed livestock and arable farm successfully shrank its carbon footprint by 15 tonnes of Co2eq between 2019 and 2021. Over and above the measures implemented to achieve that reduction, this farming cooperative cares for 52 hectares of land set aside for biodiversity, emits 1,800 tonnes of Co2eq in the form of greenhouse gases, and locks up 188 tonnes of CO2eq of carbon in its meadows, hedgerows and orchards.


  • 450,000

    hectares are set aside by our farmer members for biodiversity conservation, which equates to around 40% of their overall footprint

  • +156%

    sales of products from our AL'terre native range compared to 2018

Filière Boissons

Energy: accelerating the reduction in our energy consumption and using more green power

Energy savings of more than 10% at the Domagné cider mill in the department of Ille-et-Vilaine.

In 2021, we replaced 14 ageing refrigeration units with 4 new low-carbon units and a heat recovery system at Domagné. These upgrades have halved the installed power capacity of our chiller units and, more importantly, reduced the electricity and gas consumption of our cider mill by more than 10%, which reduces our annual CO2 emissions by 378 tonnes.

  • 10%

    reduction in energy-related CO2 emissions since 2019

  • 7.8%

    of Agrial's energy mix is renewable

Packaging & Waste: using only eco-responsible packaging and moving towards zero organic waste

Towards a circular economy of packaging and waste.

The principle of the circular economy is to better manage the quantity of resources and to promote their reuse by recycling or re-use. Our packaging is optimized in this spirit: reducing its use to the minimum necessary and improving its recyclability.

To go further, our Dairy and Fresh Produce divisions are working with other manufacturers to develop recycling channels for polystyrene pots (PS25) and flexible polypropylene films (FLEX25) respectively.

  • a 9.7%

    reduction in waste-generated CO2 emissions since 2019

  • + than 80%

    of the agricultural packaging used by Agrial farmer members collected and recycled (through the Adivalor scheme)

Chauffeur laitier livrant le lait à la laiterie

Transport: optimising the transport of our products and promoting the use of the most environmentally friendly fuels

Milk collection changes up a gear with biofuels.

In 2021, our Dairy Division launched its biofuels pilot project with two trucks running on B100 biodiesel, with the result that milk collection carbon emissions were more than halved, reducing annual CO2 emissions by 150 tonnes.

  • 60%

    of milk collection tankers now use electric pumping systems

  • 400

    tonnes of CO2eq fewer as a result of optimising cereals transport since 2019

National and international certifications that support our commitments and our credibility

In 2022, Agrial unveiled its 2035 Climate Plan. It was certified by the SBTi (Science Based Target Initiative), which is a benchmark for corporate carbon trajectories due to its ambition and scientific soundness. This UN initiative, in partnership with the NGO WWF, aims to pave the way towards a carbon-free economy, stimulate innovation and promote sustainable growth by setting ambitious emission reduction targets based on scientific data. Read more about our Climate Plan 2035.

Born in 2015 during the COP21 in Paris and supported by the MEDEF, the French Business Climate Pledge is a voluntary commitment by companies based in France to take concrete action to achieve the transition to a low-carbon economy, innovation and the development of low-carbon solutions, technologies, products and services. Through this collective mobilisation, the aim is to show that the voluntary initiative has a key role to play in making the ecological transition a success and to highlight the diversity of solutions provided by companies in the fight against climate change, whatever their size and whatever their sector of activity.

See also

Promoting the wellbeing central to our business model

Promoting the wellbeing central to our business model
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